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Is a pet rooster right for you? Here are 7 reasons to keep a rooster.

7 Reasons to Keep a Rooster

If you own a flock of hens, you might be wondering if it's a good idea to add a rooster to the group. The answer will likely depend on a few key factors. Do you want fresh eggs for breakfast? Your hens will handle that just fine on their own—no rooster required. Does your town or city permit them? Not all neighbors are enthusiastic about the idea of frequent crowing, and some towns or neighborhood associations may have ordinances regarding roosters. Also, you may not want to keep a rooster if you have small children at home.

On the other hand, there are plenty of reasons why it might be useful to keep a rooster. Besides their quirky personalities and charming good looks, a pet rooster doubles as a handy “watch bird." They are quick to alert you when something changes in your yard. They're also entertaining to watch. Roosters will settle squabbles between hens, present them with gifts, and perform the occasional dance. Of course, if you'd like to raise chickens yourself, you need to have a rooster around.

If you plan to keep a rooster and hens, you need the right infrastructure, including a coop and run, along with chicken-safe waterers and feeders. If you live in a region with cold winters, you might consider chicken-safe heated pads or perches. Whether you're interested in keeping a rooster just because he's a cool pet or because you're into small-scale farming, you're definitely in for a fun adventure!

Is a pet rooster right for you? Here are 7 reasons to keep a rooster.
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